NOTE: The faith formation sessions listed below are on hiatus through July 28 due to the rector's vacation.
All Saints offers a variety of learning and faith formation opportunities, in-person and via Zoom.
Adult Bible Study
Mondays at 11:30am on Zoom (link posted Monday mornings on Facebook)
This informal group, led by the Rector looks ahead to the readings appointed for the following Sunday.
Please join us for another deep dive into our Holy Scriptures ~ we'll see you soon!
Living Christianity
Mondays at 6:30pm in the lower level Youth Room
A series of short-form workshops, forums, classes, etc., with each limited series focusing on a particular hands-on practice that Christians from ancient times up to the present have found meaningful and useful in their day-to-day spiritual lives.
Faith Talks
Thursdays at 12:30pm on Zoom (link posted Thursday mornings on Facebook)
Our Christian formation series, Faith Talk, meets weekly via Zoom. So pack yourself a "brown bag" lunch and plan to join us for another deep dive into that space where our individual spiritual journeys and our shared faith tradition meet. Hope to see y'all soon!
All Saints offers a variety of learning and faith formation opportunities, in-person and via Zoom.
Adult Bible Study
Mondays at 11:30am on Zoom (link posted Monday mornings on Facebook)
This informal group, led by the Rector looks ahead to the readings appointed for the following Sunday.
Please join us for another deep dive into our Holy Scriptures ~ we'll see you soon!
Living Christianity
Mondays at 6:30pm in the lower level Youth Room
A series of short-form workshops, forums, classes, etc., with each limited series focusing on a particular hands-on practice that Christians from ancient times up to the present have found meaningful and useful in their day-to-day spiritual lives.
Faith Talks
Thursdays at 12:30pm on Zoom (link posted Thursday mornings on Facebook)
Our Christian formation series, Faith Talk, meets weekly via Zoom. So pack yourself a "brown bag" lunch and plan to join us for another deep dive into that space where our individual spiritual journeys and our shared faith tradition meet. Hope to see y'all soon!
Learning Resources
Book of Common Prayer: Online version of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer
Daily Prayer for All Seasons (pdf): Prayer book covering variations of the Daily Office through the church seasons
Fond du Lac Rule of Life: An intentional pattern of spiritual practices for the Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac as laid out by Bishop Matt Gunter in this series of YouTube videos. Or you can download this two-page pdf version.
The Way of Love: More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It's a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.
Book of Common Prayer: Online version of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer
Daily Prayer for All Seasons (pdf): Prayer book covering variations of the Daily Office through the church seasons
Fond du Lac Rule of Life: An intentional pattern of spiritual practices for the Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac as laid out by Bishop Matt Gunter in this series of YouTube videos. Or you can download this two-page pdf version.
The Way of Love: More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It's a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.
Some Suggested Books:
Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home by Traci Smith
-Ideas for how to practice faith at home through simple traditions, ceremonies, and spiritual practices
Faith at Home by Wendy Claire Barrie
-Overview of useful tools for practicing faith at home through an Episcopal lens
I Wonder: Engaging a Child's Curiosity about the Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
-A thoughtful guide for helping children engage the Bible
Faith Formation in a Secular Age by Andrew Root
-A helpful take on the current culture and climate for youth and young adults in the church, and practical thoughts on reaching youth
My Favorite Color is Blue. Sometimes.: A Journey through Loss with Art & Color by Roger Hutchison
-A picture book to guide the reader through different emotions and reactions related to grieving, including shock, tears, anger, and hope. A children's picture book by design, but accessible to people of all ages.
The Painting Table: A Journal of Loss and Joy by Roger Hutchison
-Guided questions and blank pages for reflection in word or art by the reader. Offers a model for small group and individual reflection in times of tragedy (individual, local or national)
The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family by Kara Powell
-Practical ideas for faith at home
Together We Pray: A Prayer Book for Families by J Bradley Wigger
-A family prayer book with many useful prayers
Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home by Traci Smith
-Ideas for how to practice faith at home through simple traditions, ceremonies, and spiritual practices
Faith at Home by Wendy Claire Barrie
-Overview of useful tools for practicing faith at home through an Episcopal lens
I Wonder: Engaging a Child's Curiosity about the Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
-A thoughtful guide for helping children engage the Bible
Faith Formation in a Secular Age by Andrew Root
-A helpful take on the current culture and climate for youth and young adults in the church, and practical thoughts on reaching youth
My Favorite Color is Blue. Sometimes.: A Journey through Loss with Art & Color by Roger Hutchison
-A picture book to guide the reader through different emotions and reactions related to grieving, including shock, tears, anger, and hope. A children's picture book by design, but accessible to people of all ages.
The Painting Table: A Journal of Loss and Joy by Roger Hutchison
-Guided questions and blank pages for reflection in word or art by the reader. Offers a model for small group and individual reflection in times of tragedy (individual, local or national)
The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family by Kara Powell
-Practical ideas for faith at home
Together We Pray: A Prayer Book for Families by J Bradley Wigger
-A family prayer book with many useful prayers
Special Topics:
Faith formation isn't solely work that happens within Sunday School or Youth Group at All Saints. While we are delighted to offer high quality programs within the local and diocesan levels, we also want to equip families with resources to continue necessary and vital conversations at home.
The resources offered here are not meant to be an exhaustive list for families & individuals to use - rather, these are meant to be a "jumping off" point for continued conversation and lifelong learning.
Faith formation isn't solely work that happens within Sunday School or Youth Group at All Saints. While we are delighted to offer high quality programs within the local and diocesan levels, we also want to equip families with resources to continue necessary and vital conversations at home.
The resources offered here are not meant to be an exhaustive list for families & individuals to use - rather, these are meant to be a "jumping off" point for continued conversation and lifelong learning.
Do you have recommendations to add to the list? |