There are opportunities for people of all ages to serve at All Saints in worship, service, and outreach. To express interest in being involved, let the Parish Office know and they will connect you with a ministry leader.
Children and adults may participate in leading worship services as an acolyte (carrying the cross and serving the priest who celebrates the Eucharist).
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild sets up the altar for Holy Eucharist, weddings, funerals, and other services. Between services, members care for liturgical vessels, linens, candles and vestments.
Chalice Bearer
Chalice Bearers (Lay Eucharistic Ministers) are parish members licensed by the bishop to administer the chalice at Eucharist. On occasion, they may help distribute hosts.
The choir serves an important role in worship. Choristers are parish members and Lawrence University students. All are welcome to join. All Saints' liturgies are rich in music.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are parish members licensed by the bishop to share the sacrament with those unable to be present at the service because of illness or infirmity.
A lector is a lay person trained in reading Scripture who reads lessons of the day or leads the Prayers of the People. The term is from Latin meaning "to read." No license is needed for this lay ministry.
Ushers ensure worshipers' needs are met during the service. They greet arrivals, distribute bulletins, count worshipers, take up the offering, assist at communion so things flow smoothly, and assure the space is in good condition for the next service.
Coffee Hour Host
Informal fellowship takes place following most 10:30 am Sunday services. Coffee hour hosts prepare and serve light refreshments and tea, coffee, and juice.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Shawls are knitted or crocheted and given to those who need comfort in body, mind, or spirit. These are blessed during a Sunday service. Anyone who knits or crochets is invited to make prayer shawls.
Special Teams
Other special teams are formed from time to time to address specific church programs or needs, including Hospitality, Outreach, Landscaping, and Communications.
The Vestry are parish members elected at the congregation's Annual Meeting. They serve as the legal representative of the parish in all matters pertaining to its corporate property. The Vestry helps define and articulate the mission of the congregation, support the Church's mission by word and deed, selects the Rector, ensures effective organization and planning, and manages church resources and finances.