I’m Pete Gilbert, a random parishioner and your newly-elected Junior Warden. You may wonder (as I do): “what the heck does a Junior Warden do?” Mostly, the Junior Warden “works closely with the Rector and Senior Warden in providing overall leadership in the congregation.” Here at All Saints, the Junior Warden also coordinates “church property-related issues.” That means that when you notice that a faucet’s leaking or it’s too cold in the church or maybe we should paint the door to the belltower or there’s a cracked window in Kemper Hall – you contact me. If you see something, say something; I’m in the church directory. I’m also in regular communication with the Church Secretary, if it’s easier to tell Emily. My job then is to work with the many smart and talented people around this joint to see what we can do about our maintenance and upkeep issues. As you can imagine, I already have a long list of projects that need work, but the goal is to do what we can to make our beautiful building and grounds the best they can be. Does that sound reasonable? In any case, as always, I’m grateful for all you do for All Saints. Comments are closed.
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