My dear family in Christ, HAPPY EASTER!!! (Alleluia, alleluia!!!) Surely, we’re not tired of shouting that acclamation out, yet, right? We are now three Sundays into the great Fifty Days of Easter, and I hope that this blessed season is bringing you light and joy as we continue to celebrate our Salvation in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. It certainly doesn’t hurt that we’ve had a few days of (what this Southern boy would call) actual Spring, in and amongst the lingering cold snaps and persistent precipitation. Despite the fluctuations in the weather, it is undeniable that light and life are returning once again to our world. In other news of miracles related to the chilly temperatures that continue to nip at our heels, you’ll be pleased, I suspect, to know that the boilers in our building are back online! Our resourceful parish secretary reached out to the folks who’ve been servicing our boiler system, and in the span of an afternoon, they had us back up and running. Hallelujah! (And thank you, Emily!) Meanwhile, the Vestry and I are continuing the work which led up to the two historic votes that came out of our March meeting—the adopting of a new, clearly-articulated Statement of Direction for our parish, and, in keeping with that stated direction, the approval of same-gender marriage. The next phase of this work is to make sure that everything about us as a parish clearly and visibly and consistently proclaims who we are and the community God has called us to strive to be. We’re taking a look at signage, our website, our internal and external communications … and also planning events that will bring us together, help connect us with the larger community outside our walls, and give us opportunities to celebrate the grace and the blessings God has given us in this amazing church family that we share. It’s been a long, dark winter in many ways. But new life is springing forth all around us, amongst us, and within our parish. It’s a very exciting time! May God continue to bless you all, and HAPPY EASTER! Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen, indeed—ALLELUIA!!! Yours always in Christ, Christopher+ Comments are closed.
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