Dear All Saints Family, Finances continued to remain stable in July. Total giving was $15,594.33 versus a budget of $16,916.67, The slight dip is common in the summer months. Year-to-date giving is $133,738.44 which is $15,321.77 higher than the budget of $118,416.67. Purposed and Investments income appear to be under budget because we have not needed the budgeted 5% draw from the endowments due to having excess cash. The excess cash was due to finalizing the reimbursements for the 2012-2018 expenses due from the endowments. General Income is showing as unfavorable primarily due to the Scrip income. Scrip continues to grow, however we need your support of the program to achieve the $10,000 goal. An easy way to help with this goal is to buy Scrip cards to spend at the grocery store. If every family purchased $150-200 in Scrip cards per month we could achieve our goal. I don’t know about you, but our household grocery bill would cover the $150-200 and then some. Operating expenses were $8,342.78 under budget primarily due to not having a full time rector. We paid the invoice in July for the Churchwerkes consulting covering the past year totaling $1,756.80. Thank you again to Bishop Matt for sponsoring this important work with a gift from his discretionary fund. Year-to date we have a $798.75 surplus. Thank you again for your continued support of God’s work through All Saints. Kind Regards, Alicia Bayambang Comments are closed.
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