![]() Hello fellow parishioners, I am thrilled to report that our strong giving trend sky-rocketed in March (and April is looking fantastic too). Pledges are almost $12,000 over budget for March. Thank you for your timely contributions. The March 2019 Income and Expense Summary will follow. The March budget is 3/12 of the 2019 total annual budget. We incurred a $13,192 SURPLUS for March and have a $1,919 SURPLUS year-to-date for 2019. All Saints is in the BLACK, meaning we currently have more contributions than expenses and are covering our current needs. You may be wondering why you are just now seeing the March report when it is May 2nd. The reason is once the numbers are final they are submitted to the finance committee and then the vestry for review. Once they are approved the report is published in the newsletter. As wonderful as this news is – the real magic of All Saints is not in giving pledges, even though pledges are a lovely side-effect of the health of the parish. In my humble, lay option, it is sharing God’s love together and fellowship. I read an article this month that hit home for me as I thought about the hours I spend monthly on Treasurer work.. To summarize it talked about the book “The Power of Giving”, and it thoroughly reinforced the ideas that money doesn’t have to be the only thing people give. There are so many ways to give of yourself – your time, your attention, and even whatever talents/skills that you are good at, and want to share with others. Memories – truly great memories, are what we take with us through life. We gain MORE by GIVING more. “The more you give of yourself, the more you find of yourself. When you make a positive difference in the lives of others, you make a positive difference in your own life.” On that note – my request for what can YOU do to help All Saints is to volunteer to help run a committee or two. If enough people take on a small piece we can achieve our dream of a loving, thriving part of the community long-term. We currently need volunteers to help plan parish-life events, manage the flower ministry, take minutes for vestry meetings, etc. Please send me a note if you’d like to be asked but do not know who to reach out too. If you’re a little shy like me, we can work to find a behind the scenes task, like my treasurer work, that is a good fit for your personality. In His love, Alicia Thornton Bayambang All Saints Episcopal Church Treasurer 920-216-6006 [email protected] Comments are closed.
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