Hello, All Saints ~ Please find the February financial reports below. Major financial related activities that occurred in February include the following:
Pledges for February are $34,458, versus the budgeted amount of $18,333.33. YTD Pledges are $21,805 over budget. Thank you for your continued support. Ministry expenses, at $3,791, are less than the budgeted amount of $4,124 due to incurring less Chorister scholarship payments than planned for in the budget. Minister expenses at $15,656, are less than the budgeted amount of $16,507 due to the timing of pay periods. Facility costs came in at $8,845, compared to the budgeted amount of $5,078, due to costs associated with boiler maintenance and higher than average utilities costs from higher gas usage in the winter. The utility and boiler costs are typically seasonal and will even out in future months. Operation costs came in at $1,928, compared to the budgeted amount of $1,728, causing a slight, unfavorable variance of $201, due to a one-time annual payroll provider fee. Overall, we had a strong month and ended with a surplus (more incoming cash than outgoing cash for expenses) of +$5,036. The YTD surplus is now $8,746. Thank you for contributing to a strong financial start to the year! Peace, Alicia Bayambang All Saints Episcopal Church Treasurer 920-216-6006 [email protected] Comments are closed.
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