Hello fellow parishioners, I am delighted to report that our strong giving trend continued in February. Pledges are slightly over budget (again!!) for February. Thank you for your timely contributions. Please find below the February 2019 Income and Expense Summary. The February budget is 2/12ths of the 2019 total budget and as you know income and expenses do not occur in a straight line fashion. We incurred a small ($782.91) loss for February primarily due to not yet pulling the 5% planned disbursements from the endowments, resulting in lower income of ($1,687.37). We have not pulled the distributions yet since we have enough cash from prior year reimbursements to cover our outgoing cash needs. We continue to have enough left over cash from 2018 to cover the deficit and will work out a plan for taking the budgeted endowment distributions when the cash is needed. Our 2018 Parochial report and 2018 audit documentation was submitted to the Diocese in February. We also completed forecasted income statements for 2020-2022 to provide confidence to our potential rector candidates that we have the ability to support a full-time Rector. The final reimbursement for the 2012-2017 Education expenses was transferred from the 1955 Endowment to the general checking account. Please see ideas below on what YOU can do to help continue the path to eliminating the financial deficit. 1. Continue the amazing and moving habit of timely giving. 2. Buy Scrip cards! – You can either buy cards online or from Suzanne. By setting up Presto-Pay on https://www.shopwithscrip.com/ the payment is pulled directly from your checking account and you do not have to worry about remembering to pay Suzanne. Suzanne and I are both available to help you set up an online account. 3. Submit cost savings idea to [email protected] – a small idea can have a big impact. What ideas do you have to help us save? Even a simple change contributes to eliminating our deficit. My motto is “Every little bit counts”. 4. Continue to generously give free-will offerings to church events like the Shrove Tuesday supper, Churchwerkes parish meeting, and Tuesday Lenten dinners. Thank you for your continued giving and sending over great ideas to help us improve. Please continue to send feedback and ideas. All ideas are welcome. This month we are continuing our work on re-bidding some of our outsourced services as a result of ideas submitted by members. We would love to see new faces at the Finance Committee meetings. Team work makes the Dream work. In His love, Alicia Thornton Bayambang All Saints Episcopal Church Treasurer 920-216-6006 [email protected] Comments are closed.
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