Greetings, families & friends of All Saints! YOUTH GROUP will continue to gather Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00pm via Zoom, and SUNDAY SCHOOL will continue to gather Sundays from 9:30-10:00am via Zoom. Whenever we are able to resume in-person gatherings, families will be notified. Links can be found in the Weekly Update email. Contact me at [email protected] to sign-up for the Youth Ministry email list. *Please copy & paste email addresses as needed. ASH WEDNESDAY NOTE: Youth Group will be joining the 6:30pm Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 2. If there is time remaining after the service, we will meet in Kemper Hall until 8pm (parents are welcome to join). Masks required. ADULTS: We need your help with supervision – while adult leaders are welcome to participate fully in Youth Group, we need other adults in the building/online to meet our safeguarding guidelines. If you are able to help out, please contact me at [email protected] for more info. Thank you! BLACK HISTORY MONTH RESOURCES: If you and your student are looking for Black History Month resources within the church, CLICK HERE for a list to get you started. You can also check out the ministry and resources from the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing in the Diocese of Atlanta (CLICK HERE). Finally, you can learn more about the Dismantling Racism network here within Province V, the Episcopal Church of the Upper Midwest, which our Diocese of Fond du Lac is a part of. CLICK HERE for more information. LET’S CELEBRATE! Beginning in the Easter season (late April), we will start to include a new segment in the newsletter called, “Let’s Celebrate!” This will be an opportunity for children, youth, families, and adults to share some of the good that’s happening. Whether it be a lost tooth, report card, passing a test, achieving a goal, having a performance or game, overcoming an obstacle, etc. – if it’s something folks are celebrating, we want to celebrate with you! Reminders will go out during the Lenten season, and you’ll be able to send your stories in to Erin Wolf at [email protected]. ACOLYTES/TECH SUPPORT: If you are a student interested in re-joining the acolyte roster or learning how to become an acolyte, please contact Emily Gilbert in the parish office at [email protected]. If you’re a high school student or young adult interested in learning how to help run the livestream for worship services, contact Brad Retzlaff at [email protected] for more info. CAMP 2022 Dates: All sessions will be held at Waypost Camp in Hatley, WI. Senior (completed grades 9-12): June 12-18, 2022 Middler (completed grades 6-8) & Junior (completed grades 2-5): June 19-23, 2022 Kinder Camp (ages 4-7 & adult): June 23-25, 2022 Comments are closed.
Click here for the latest parish newsletter: