Greetings, families & friends of All Saints! LENTEN SCRATCH-OFF PRAYERS: We still have extra scratch-off prayer sheets in the back of the church for anyone wanting to add in some more prayer during their Lenten season. If your family would like to have one dropped off or mailed out, contact Erin Wolf via call or text at 920-918-4007. YOUTH GROUP: Youth Group has resumed in-person gatherings on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. We are currently meeting in Kemper Hall for space and to cut down on noise for those attending the Wednesday night Eucharist (notice I said, “cut down” and not, “avoid” – if our noises are heard, they will likely be goofy and joyful). Still plan to mask and bring your own water bottle until advised otherwise by parish leadership. ADULTS: We need your help with supervision – while adult leaders are welcome to participate fully in Youth Group, we need other adults in the building/online to meet our safeguarding guidelines. If you are able to help out, please contact me at [email protected] for more info. Thank you! SUNDAY SCHOOL will continue to gather Sundays from 9:30-10:00am via Zoom until the end of April (links can be found in the Weekly Update email). For those in-person time to gather, we are opening up Kemper Hall for kids to run around and hang out for about 30 minutes. SPRING BREAK/EASTER BREAK: There will be no Sunday School on March 27 or Youth Group on March 30 due to Spring Break. Similarly, there will be no Youth Group on April 13 or Sunday School on April 17 due to Holy Week/Easter activities. LET’S CELEBRATE! Beginning in the Easter season (late April), we will start to include a new segment in the newsletter called, “Let’s Celebrate!” This will be an opportunity for children, youth, families, and adults to share some of the good that’s happening. Whether it be a lost tooth, report card, passing a test, achieving a goal, having a performance or game, overcoming an obstacle, etc. – if it’s something folks are celebrating, we want to celebrate with you! Our first edition of “Let’s Celebrate!” (on or around April 27) will highlight joyful news that happened during the Lenten season (because sometimes, joy shows up even in our penitent and contemplative times). Sunday School & Youth Group students are already sharing some great moments, and remember: ALL AGES are welcome & encouraged to participate! You can start sending your stories in to Erin Wolf at [email protected] anytime, and the deadline for the first edition will be Sunday, April 24. CAMP 2022 Dates: All sessions will be held at Waypost Camp in Hatley, WI. Senior (completed grades 9-12): June 12-18, 2022 Middler (completed grades 6-8) & Junior (completed grades 2-5): June 19-23, 2022 Kinder Camp (ages 4-7 & adult): June 23-25, 2022 More info will be coming soon at! And if you’re interested in volunteering at camp as a part of our staff as a counselor, musician, story-teller, etc, keep an eye on our Camp Staff page at Comments are closed.
Click here for the latest parish newsletter: