![]() A blessed Holy Week to all! A reminder that if you’d like to explore any Way of Love Faith @ Home materials, which are offered for adult-preschool, adult-elementary, adult-youth, adult-adult, CLICK HERE. These are designed to use at any time during the liturgical year and are free to all. We are still in need of secondary adult support on Wednesday evenings for our Youth Group gatherings through the end of April. We meet from 7:00-7:45pm via Zoom. If available and willing to assist, contact Erin Wolf for more information. Spring/Easter Break: Youth Group will NOT gather tonight, Wednesday, March 31, and Sunday School will NOT gather Easter Sunday, April 4. Virtual gatherings for the remainder of April WILL resume Wednesday, April 7 (YG) and Sunday, April 11 (SS), respectively. Holy Week Services: As has been announced in several places, Holy Week services will be both in-person and live-streamed. Contact Emily in the parish office to reserve your spot to attend in-person, if you wish, and please note that masks and distancing are required. A note re: Saturday’s Vigil & Easter Sunday – please choose one OR the other to allow more people to attend an Easter service. Thank you! Maundy Thursday: 6:30pm Good Friday: 12:00pm NOON Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil: 6:30pm Easter Sunday: 9:30am There will NOT be an in-person or virtual Coffee Hour on Easter Sunday, nor will there be any other activities offered at this time. As hard as this is to again miss out this year on some of the extra pieces that make Holy Week and Easter Sunday so special, we thank you for your continued patience and support as we continue navigate opening things back up at All Saints. End of Year Virtual Celebrations: Our 2020-2021 program year ends at the end of April! Sunday School’s end of year celebration will take place Sunday, April 25, and Youth Group’s end of year celebration will be Wednesday, April 28. FDL Summer Camp: Camper Registration and volunteer Staff Applications are live! Be sure to check for updates official diocesan channels – diocesan website, FDL Summer Camp webpage, diocesan Facebook page, @diofdlyouth Instagram account, and Scattering Seeds newsletter. Senior Camp (completed grades 9-12 & high school 2020 grads): June 20-26, 2021 Middler Camp (completed grades 6-8): June 27-July 1, 2021 Junior Camp (completed grades 2-5): June 27-July 1, 2021 Kinder Camp (ages 4-7 with adult): July 1-3, 2021 Have a safe and blessed Holy Week and Easter! Peace be with you all. Comments are closed.
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