Happy Thanksgiving, friends and families of All Saints! Almighty and gracious Father, we give you thanks for the fruits of the earth in their season and for the labors of those who harvest them. Make us, we pray, faithful stewards of your great bounty, for the provision of our necessities and the relief of all who are in need, to the glory of your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen. (Collect for Thanksgiving Day, BCP p. 246) A reminder that there is neither Youth Group tonight, Wednesday, nor Sunday School this Sunday, Nov. 29 due to the holiday weekend. However, as this weekend also marks the first Sunday of Advent, there will be a special Sunday School activity going out Friday for families to check out, and all are welcome to CLICK HERE for Advent activities to do at home. #AdventWord: For those seeking a new way to explore and experience Advent this year, consider checking out #AdventWord, a global, online calendar. Meditations and images will be offered daily through Virginia Theological Seminary each day beginning this Sunday, Nov. 29. These can be found through email, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and American Sign Language videos on YouTube. Meditations will be offered in English, Spanish, ASL, and Haitian Creole. Service Project Opportunity: During the month of November, everyone is invited to create holiday greeting cards for those who are in nursing homes/assisted living facilities, as well as parishioners who are mostly offline and/or typically homebound. In previous years with similar projects, students have often created holiday cards and signed them on behalf of the Youth Group and/or All Saints Youth Ministry. If you have holiday cards from years past, such as blank cards from nonprofits or cards that can be recycled (such as a design on the front with a blank back cut along the fold), those would be acceptable as well. Please do not address them to any one person specifically. All cards should be sent to/dropped off at All Saints by Sunday, Dec. 6. Please make sure to note that they are for the service project, and I will make sure they are distributed. Thank you to everyone who has already begun making & dropping off cards! Saint Nicholas – Dec. 6: St. Nicholas will be making his annual visit to All Saints, albeit virtually this year on Sunday, Dec. 6 during our regular service at 9:30am. Gift Drive: A reminder for anyone participating in the St. Nicholas Gift Drive for kids & teens at Harbor House shelter, books may be dropped in the mail slot to the left of the Drew St. doors. Toys and other gifts may be dropped off at the Parish Office Mondays & Thursdays from 9-11am. If you need to arrange a separate pick-up time, contact Erin at 920-918-4007. There are also alternative ways to give online if you and/or your family members are in quarantine. All gifts should be unwrapped, in original packaging, and to All Saints by Dec. 15. Please see the separate St. Nicholas announcement in the newsletter for more information. Thank you to everyone who has already begun dropping off gifts! Comments are closed.
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